
Kodak Commercial Ektar Lenses

The Kodak Commercial Ektar Lenses are exceedingly well corrected for lens aberrations, such as coma, astigmatism, curvature of field, and ...


This group is for the posting of photos taken with the legendary Kodak Ektar lens, in any of it's many forms. Please identify in the photo description what kind ...

Kodak Ektar lens - 16mm

Ektar was the name Kodak gave to their top of the line Pro grade lenses. the tint is some old lenses is often due to Thorium in the glass. if ...

[PDF] Kodak Ektar Lenses

They are fully color-corrected for modern color photography. Their advanced design provides better correction of the usual lens errors, making them unexcelled ...

kodak ektar lens products for sale

Kodak Ektar 203mm f/7.7 Large Format Lens in Flash Supermatic Shutter V26. Pre-Owned · Kodak. $124.99. Free shipping.


The Kodak Ektar Lenses are presented with pride, secure in the knowl· edge that here are the finest objectives possible-professional lenses that meet the ...

What's so special about Kodak Retina Ektar lenses?

Kodak Ektar lenses are/were Kodak's premium lenses. Ektar was simply the trade name given to their premium lenses. At one time, Kodak designed ...

Kodak lenses - Camera-wiki.org

Kodak Ektar f/7.7, 203mm/8inch - This lens can be found marked as 203mm or 8. A 4 element, 4 group Dialyte type lens, it was primarily intended for 5×7 studio ... Kodak Ektars · Kodak Anastigmat Specials... · Kodak Anastigmats / Anastons...

Thread: Kodak Ektar lenses

They are all quite sharp, and if they have a signature 'look', it's merely that they have lower contrast than modern multicoated designs.


TheKodakCommercialEktarLensesareexceedinglywellcorrectedforlensaberrations,suchascoma,astigmatism,curvatureoffield,and ...,ThisgroupisforthepostingofphotostakenwiththelegendaryKodakEktarlens,inanyofit'smanyforms.Pleaseidentifyinthephotodescriptionwhatkind ...,EktarwasthenameKodakgavetotheirtopofthelineProgradelenses.thetintissomeoldlensesisoftenduetoThoriumintheglass.if ...,Theyarefullycolor-c...